Guests can rate their stay out of five stars, and leave a comment about their experience.
My guest is having trouble leaving a review
Receiving a review
- Published reviews can be found on your property listing page.
- Four and five-star reviews can be seen on your listing instantly.
- One to three-star reviews are reviewed by our team.
- If the review is in line with our terms and conditions, it will be made visible on your listing.
Replying to a review
- Property owners have the option to reply to reviews on their listings.
- Find the review on your listing to reply.
- This will be shown under the review left by your guest.
My guest hasn't left a review
- We automatically email guests after their stay, asking them to leave a review.
- While we encourage them to leave a review, it's not compulsory for them to do so.
My guest is having trouble leaving a review
They'll need to be logged in using the same account they used to book their stay. If your property is a Pay per house listing, you'll also need to have added their enquiry to your booking calendar.
- Head to your 'My house details' page.
- Under 'Bookings and enquiries', select 'View all enquiries/bookings'.
- Find their enquiry, then select 'Create a calendar booking from this enquiry'.