Find out how to cancel a confirmed booking.
View and manage your cancellation policies
View and manage policies
- Go to My house details.
- Find the property, then select Manage online bookings under 'Bookings and enquiries'.
- Select Cancellation policy.
Add or edit policies
- Select Add cancellation policy or Edit – next to an existing policy.
- Choose the timeframe, the amount the renter will lose, and applicable dates (optional).
- Select Continue to save the policy.
If you've already added a policy to a property, you can assign it to another.
Delete policies
Select Edit or Delete from the Cancellation Policies page.
Pay per house listings
- We recommend specifying any cancellation policies in the 'Comments' field when creating or editing your listing.
- Discuss this with your guest and come to an agreement before confirming their stay.
- We strongly recommend signing a rental agreement with the renter. Need some inspiration? Check out our template.