Wanting to edit a confirmed booking? We can help.
How to keep your property details up-to-date
Confirmation settings, deposits & extra charges
Property information
- Go to My house details.
- Find the property you want to edit, then select Edit your listing under 'Maintain your listing'.
- Make your changes:
- House name
- Description
- Alternative email address
- Host name ('Ask for')
- House details (rooms, beds, etc.)
- Availability
- Select Save.
Set standard rates, and add date-specific rates for certain times of the year.
- Go to My house details.
- Find the property you want to edit, then select Edit rates under 'Maintain your listing'.
- Set your standard rates, and add custom date ranges if you wish.
- Choose from nightly, weekly, or weekend rates.
- Set your price and minimum stay.
- Set number of guests, and extra guest charge (per person, per night).
- Add comments about your rates (optional).
- Select Save.
Confirmation settings, deposits & extra charges
Online bookings only.
- Go to My house details.
- Find the property you want to edit, then select Configure online bookings under 'Bookings and enquiries'.
- Update your settings:
- Booking confirmation – choose whether to instantly confirm all online booking requests, or have them sent to you for confirmation.
- Booking deposit – charge a deposit or the full amount, on confirmation of a booking.
- Extra charges – set a linen or cleaning fee (charged per booking).
- Select Continue to save your changes.
Renew your listing
- Go to My house details.
- Find the property you want to renew, then select Renew it now under the property info.
- Select whether to renew as Pay per booking or Pay per house.
- Select your listing duration and exposure level.
- Confirm your payment method (Pay per house).
Learn more about our listing options and fees.